标 题:UO书籍翻译:“我们领地的多样性”—黑刺王著— On the diversity of our land 背景音乐:Shrine of Compassion(U7) -by Lord Blackthorn- While I deplore the depredations 我会对无知且好战的种族所造成的破坏 of the misguided and belligerent 悲叹,它们和我们一起共享这美丽的不 races with which we share our fair 不列颠尼亚。同样的,大众也会对它们 Britannia, and alongside the 入侵造成的无谓死伤哀悼,因此我无法 populace do mourn the needless 赞同军人习性般地不分青红皂白一律将 deaths that their raids cause, I 那些种族杀光的方针。 cannot countenance the policy of wholesale slaughter of these races that seems to be the habity of our soldierly element. Can we not regard the ratmen, 鼠人、蜥蜴人以及半兽人都是和我们一 lizard men, and orcs are fellow 起共享这星球的智性生物,我们能无视 intelligent beings with whom we 这点吗?为何我们必须一见到它们就得 share a planet? Why must we slay 杀,而不试着和它们对话?因为辉思的 them on sight, rather than attempt 出现会带给我们乐趣和知识,所以不用 to engage them in dialogue? There 考虑射杀辉思…(并不是说用箭会对它 is no policy of shooting at wisps 们造成更强的杀伤力!) when they grace us with their presence (not that an arrow could do much to pierce them!). To view these creatures as vermin 把这些生物看做害虫是无视它们明显具 denies their obvious intelligence, 有的智慧,而且我们不能低估屠杀它们 and we cannot underestimate the 带来的后果。如果我们把杀害人类同胞 repercussions that their slaughter 的行为当作是犯罪,那么我们也要把杀 may have. If we regard the slaying 半兽人视为同罪。 of fellow humans as a crime, so must we regard the killing of an orc. At the same time, should a 同样的,若某蜥蜴人杀掉一个人类,我 lizardman slay a human, whould we 们就不能原谅它的无知和愚昧吗?让我 not forgive their ignorance and 们别放弃高的道德基准吧,不然就会堕 foolishness? Let us not surrender 落到兽性行为去了。 the high moral ground by descending to bestiality. Now, I say not that we should fail 现在,我不是说我们遭攻击时不去想法 to defend ourselves in case of 保护自己,在同为人类之间我们也是见 attack, for even amongst humans we 得到战争、见得到饥荒、见得到强暴( see war, we see famine, and we see 但我们欠我们的不列颠王一份恩情,感 assault (though we owe a debt of 谢他让我们免遭比上述灾难更糟的祸患 gratitude to our Lord British for ) preserving us from the worst of these!). However, incursions such as the 然而,像最近一场夺去我们杰婓斯(崔 recent tragedy which cost us the 林希克圣骑士工会领袖)性命的侵略行 life of Japheth, Guildmaster of 动是愚蠢的。我见过杰斐斯,他像所有 Trinsic's Paladins, are folly. 圣骑士一样满腔热血。虽然我对他抱持 I had met Japheth, and like all 最大敬意,但谁也不可否认,只要提到 paladins, he burned with an inner 半兽人,他的眼里就有仇恨闪烁。 fire. Yet though I had the utmost respect for him, none could deny the hatred that flashed in his eyes the mere mention of orcs. And thus he carried his battle to 而那导致他以私人理由扩大战端到兽人 the orc camps, and died there, 营地,并在那丧命,无法超越克服他童 unable to rise above his own 年的经验…写在他的书“崔林希克大火 childhood experiences depicted in ”里面。 his book, "The Burning of Trinsic." 'Tis a shame that even our 连我们的杰出人物都成为这种愚昧下的 mightiest men fall prey to this 牺牲者,那是个丢脸的事! ignorance! Are there not legends of orcs 难道没有任何关于半兽人收养人类孩子 adopting human children to raise 并视如己出地照顾的传闻吗?难道没有 as their own? Tales of complex 我们当做是野兽的种族却在地底建立了 societies built underground by 多族共存的社会? races we regard as bestial? Let us not repeat the mistake of 让我们别再重蹈圣骑士杰斐斯犯的错误 Japheth of the Paladins, and let ,也让我们停止迫害非人种族,在我们 us cease to persecute the nonhuman 发现那是在进行自我伤害的过程之前。 races, before we discover that we are harming ourselves in the process. ====================================================================== 这文章让我回想到一件事…在我能够打开月之门到不列颠尼亚世界前,有个看起 来像动物保育者的NPC ,在目击勇者屠杀GAME世界里的非人类生物后问我有什么 感觉。我回:‘那是怪物不是吗?’ NPC说:“怪物?!‘极恶非道的生物’之 意”“可是被勇者宰掉的那只生物什么也没有做…多可怜啊。反倒是勇者这种大 肆屠杀其他生物只为增加自己等级的行为才是恐怖的恶行!”的确,仔细思考的 话…为何玩家可以在游戏里面杀其他的怪物角色而不考虑道德不道德的问题?创 世纪四,那个初次尝试把道德观带入游戏世界的GAME是这么做的:杀非邪恶的自 然生物如蛇、海马、老鼠、蜘蛛、虫子会降低怜悯的隐藏数值,然后就没办法完 成怜悯美德的任务。为何自然生物的主动攻击会被设定为非邪恶呢?我猜想该不 会因为那是肚子饿找东西吃而不是怀有恶意来攻击? 在ULTIMA ONLINE里,我会常跑去despise地城二楼宰蜥蜴人,用火墙排列的方法 杀掉很多…不过有时会有不太舒服的感觉冒出来,因为我良心开始在CALL,“这 样子大屠杀所做的就是背叛怜悯的鄙视,你做的不正是鄙视蜥蜴人的生存权吗? 这里是它们的家,你来这里放火杀人越货?”摸着那个会冒出:‘你心灵感到一 阵平和的气息’说明的圣符,就会想说不要烧杀了…也该忘掉我和坐骑死在这里 好几次的回忆。虽然那个善常被贪婪和些许愤怒盖过…但我该庆幸它还会出声? 在没有游戏机制可以强力规范的情况下,正好是表现个人自律道德水准的时机吧 …虽然已经有怜悯骑士的名号,我果然还不算个名符其实的怜悯实践者,以自己 良心的评价。 (本文欢迎转载不用翻译者我同意,有误请来信指正) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 转自巴哈姆特,原译者:h2 | scottie_lee 2002-07-16 14:23:22 0樓 |
我喜欢黑刺王这个家伙[em15] | scottie_lee 2002-07-16 14:29:32 1樓 |
呵呵。我也喜欢他所定的法则观点之类的。 | zerg 2002-07-16 16:12:46 2樓 |
不太明白! | cry 2002-07-18 11:03:08 3樓 |
应该都是ultima online系列的背景资料阿。。不知道出处是那里的 是不是UO里面的那种书上的呢?? ZHA也有的。都是E文。不知道说的些什么。呵呵。 | zerg 2002-07-19 17:58:57 4樓 |