这个是本工会会员ASK的心得 ------------------------------------------ hi 大家好,我是澳洲B&W的ASK。应该有些朋友是认识我的。在澳洲好歹也混了3。4个月了,练射手的一点点心得不敢隐瞒,说出来给练射手的兄弟们参考一下吧! 新人技能:训兽,其他一项随便什么都可以的,因为50前都很简单,推荐魔法,因为射手技能表中是无加血技能的,学点魔法给自己加血,解毒…………都很方便。 技能训练: 1。动物学,唯一用uoloop能挂机的技能,最好是在练str的时候挂,找一个动物对打,穿上软甲,然后对动物挂动物学,我试过的穿上30点左右防御的软甲,马是打不动的。注意的就是使用动物学的时候,动物必须是放野的动物,100以前随便什么动物就OK了,100以后,用少见的动物,如陆行鸟等,加的会快一点。 2。训兽,训兽是弓箭手最难的技能之一,一开始选的50,你就可以开始训cow,eagle……这些动物在B桥头和skare城是很多的,到了55就可以开始训马,60训绿猪(shame下面沼泽),65训鳄鱼(shame下面沼泽),70训公牛(各城),80训蜘蛛,大蛇,蝎子(地城),90训火鳄,影子蜘蛛(龙洞),100训地狱犬(野外),110就开始训龙darke(龙洞)。训兽注意的一点就是一个动物当你训了3次还没有成功的话,就不要训了,因为它会发怒的。澳洲训兽的好处就是,要是你的动物学够高,你能马上解除红名动物的战斗状态。 3。弓箭,弓箭是澳洲所有战斗技能中最难的一项,保守估计练到130是需要差不多30w根箭,最好的练法就是射挂机的战士,前80大概10个小时就OK了,到了100以后就超难了,大概500根箭涨0.1。还有就是练弓箭的时候会涨战术,战术对弓箭是没有用的,所以你要把战术的技能箭头改为向下。 4。露营,弓箭手最好练的技能,只要你有足够的柴火,大概2个小时就能110,把你的柴火放在地上,设一个lastobject的快捷键,双击柴火后按住快捷键不放就OK啦,你会发现你屏幕左边提示加技能的兰色字就没有停过。呵呵。 5。做饭,是能配合钓鱼一起练的技能,100以前烤鱼片就能搞定,在选取一次烤鱼数量上要配合自己的技能多少。100以后烤鱼片几乎是不加技能的,现在你就到食品点买一本cooking book,照上面的工具和原料再做才会加技能。 6。钓鱼,钓鱼70以前是很好练的,70后很慢,买条船开到深海钓会快点,但是很危险,会碰到海蛇和水精灵,不小心就会死了,但是打开战斗状态等一会儿在船上是能复活的。钓鱼有时能钓上各种贝壳,千万不要丢了,贝壳的作用现在还不知道,但是能买不少钱,我就曾经一次把一个贝壳丢到拍卖系统上面,结果卖到了900块的高价。有时你还能钓上鱼网,能网到钱袋和漂流瓶之类,但是也能网到海蛇,小心哦!鱼网好象只能在码头上面用,距离以目试最远。 7。追踪,除了不停的使用技能,没有其他好办法,不过能找一个周围什么都没有的地方挂机(限80以前),nujelm城上面是个不错的地方,什么都没有,几乎也没有什么人去。 8。动物医疗,简单,找2皮马,穿尽可能搞到的防御最高的软甲,拿把force弓,带2000根箭和2000个绷带,让2只马攻击你,射其中一只马,费血到一定程度后射另外一只马,开始跟第一只马加血,成功后再射第一只马,跟第二只马加血如此反复,4个小时能练到90,注意的是就是控制你的技能跟你马余血的比例,如果第1只马血还没有加起来,第2只马差不到就要射死了,马上下弓,直到加起来再射。 建议修炼技能,魔法和隐身。作用我想是用不上说了。 战术:弓箭手攻击的时候是不能移动的,而高级战士和法师的攻击几乎是一记必杀,所以及时隐身很重要,隐身后对人的攻击是没有用的,最好是用一个说话的快捷键,隐身状态时双击对手开始攻击的同时按快捷键,你现身的同时箭就出去了,2级RANGER使用power以上的弓这样杀法师几乎是必胜。 常用命令:寄存动物 (stable) 动物跟随(all follow me) 动物保护(all guard me) 动物停止(all stop) 动物攻击(all kill,all attack) 以上就是本人一点点心得了,有什么写错的地方,望大家指出来,我们一起讨论,目的嘛,就是为中国人在澳洲的强大能做点贡献吧! -------------------------------------- 这里是个资料表格 -------------------------------------- Animals Minimum Easier at Where they can be found What they eat Bird 5 They can be found anywhere but the are very plentiful in Delucia. Chicken 5 Delucia, Yew, Skara Brae, Minoc Raven * 10 not sure they spawn anymore Eagle 25 Firecrow * 25 T2A Golden Hawk 35 not sure they spawn anymore * These animals will attack you on sight. ------------------------------------- Animals Minimum Easier at Where they can be found What they eat Dog 3 Bird dog 10 Hunting Dog 10 Guard Dog 10 Rabid Dog * 35 Wardog 50 Timberwolf * 55 Frost wolf 75 Dire Wolf * 80 Hell Hound * 95 * These animals will attack you on sight. ----------------------------------------- Animals Minimum Easier at Where they can be found What they eat Cat 20 Rabid Cat * 30 Cougar * 60 Panther * 65 * These animals will attack you on sight. ------------------------------------ Animals Minimum Easier at Where they can be found What they eat Slime * 20 Papua, Newbie Dungeon Bullfrog 20 Bat 35 Greenslime * 40 Snake * 60 Papua, T2A Alligator * 60 T2A Giant Scorpion * 70 T2A Giant Spider * 70 T2A Rock Lizard * 75 Black Slime * 75 Toad 80 Frost Spider * 80 Rock Scorpion * 80 Rock Spider * 80 Giant Serpent * 80 Fire Lizard * 90 Flaming Spider * 90 Phase Spider * 95 * These animals will attack you on sight. -------------------------------- Animals Minimum Easier at Where they can be found What they eat Pig 25 Yew Sheep 30 50-55 Goat 30 50-55 Cow 30 Vesper, Delucia, Yew, Jhelom Hildisvini * 35 south of Papua Swamp Boar 45 Bull 70 Yew, Delucia * These animals will attack you on sight. -------------------------- Animals Minimum Easier at Where they can be found What they eat Rat 20 Mongbat * 25 I still get gains at 60 Papua, Delucia, Plagued Rat * 35 Giant Rat * 35 Gremlin * 60 Imp * 90 * These animals will attack you on sight. -------------------------------- Animals Minimum Easier at Where they can be found What they eat Hind 40 still get gains at 60 for every 2 or 3 that I tame Delucia Packhorse 40 Horse 45 55 Vesper, Yew, occasionally Delucia Pack Llama 45 Llama 50 58 Delucia, Minoc Hart 60 succeeded 1 time after 30 attempts at 60 Delucia Nightmare * 130 * These animals will attack you on sight. ---------------------------- Animals Minimum Easier at Where they can be found What they eat Brown Bear 50 still haven't succeeded at 60 near Britain, T2A Blackbear 55 Grizzly * 60 Polar Bear * 65 * These animals will attack you on sight. ---------------------------- Animals Minimum Easier at Where they can be found What they eat Gorilla 5 To the south of Papua. Rabbit 5 Delucia Walrus 50 Anywhere you find a low-level fisherman you will find them Rabid Rabbit * 55 * These animals will attack you on sight. ---------------------------- I will not reveal the locations of the Ostards since it is a good way for tamers to make money and also it makes them a huge PK target if everyone knows where to get them. ---------------------------- Animals Minimum Easier at Where they can be found What they eat Forest Ostard 45 63.1 Raw meat Desert Ostard 45 Plains Ostard 45 Golden Ostard 50 Swamp Ostard 55 Valley Ostard 55 Highland Ostard 65 Shadow Ostard 65 Mountain Ostard 75 Stone Ostard 75 Ruby Ostard 75 Emerald Ostard 75 Swamp Frenzied Ostard * 80 Plains Frenzied Ostard * 80 Golden Frenzied Ostard * 80 Valley Frenzied Ostard * 85 Shadow Frenzied Ostard * 85 Highland Frenzied Ostard * 85 Mountain Frenzied Ostard * 95 Stone Frenzied Ostard * 95 Ruby Frenzied Ostard * 95 Emerald Frenzied Ostard * 95 Raptor * 95 Snow Ostard 95 Ice Ostard 95 Heavenly Ostard 105 Tropical Ostard 105 Ice Frenzied Ostard * 105 Snow Frenzied Ostard * 105 Tropical Frenzied Ostard * 105 Heavenly Frenzied Ostard * 110 Fire Ostard 115 Fire Frenzied Ostard * 115 * These animals will attack you on sight. ---------------------------- Animals Minimum Easier at Where they can be found What they eat Drake * 110 Fire Drake * 115 Frost Drake * 115 Spectral Drake * 115 Water Drake * 115 Earth Drake * 115 Air Drake * 115 Poison Drake * 115 Undead Drake * 115 * These animals will attack you on sight. ---------------------------- Animals Minimum Easier at Where they can be found What they eat Wyvern * 110 Dragon * 120 Inferno Dragon * 125 Rock Dragon * 130 Energy Vortex * 130 Sand Worm * 130 Great Wyrm * 140 Golden Dragon * 150 * These animals will attack you on sight. ---------------------------- 以上是训兽的技能对照表。由于zulu分站多脚本不是完全一致。所以应该会有些出处。。但是大概的相对难度应该是一样的~~ [em08] [align=right][color=#000066][此贴子已经被admin于2002-6-21 17:30:21编辑过][/color][/align] | lsjxixi 2002-06-21 17:30:22 0樓 |
Ranger在一开始练taming时会比较穷,但前期的启动资金又非常重要,怎么办? 建议先把钓鱼挂到80,这时你将可以拥有3万左右的鱼片,用这3万鱼片去挂一天一夜可以烤成25000左右熟鱼片(同时cooking也能到90以上),卖给NPC,你就有了25000*6=150000money,有了这笔启动金,你需要首先买一到两本符石书(如果没有符石书去练taming我只用一个字形容你“fool”),一个小房/一个烤炉以及一艘船(本来fishing最好的方法是在城里找个港口边叫guard边挂钓,可防止钓起水元素,但由于在城里挂机会被关所以只好买船出海钓,由于zulu船可以复活,所以在海外虽然挂钓鱼会死,但一会儿复活过来又会接着钓了)。为了方便你必须有一个可以做符石的朋友或自已搞个可做符石的ID(千万别浪费自已的技能去练魔法啊,因为对于ranger隐身比魔法重要得多),请朋友帮你做一些必备的符石(比如Bbank/BWbank/各城市连接月门处/挂钓鱼的地方/烤肉的地方/50-100练taming的地方/所有卖箭NPC……) 挺过开头,练ranger就会容易很多^o^ by Damokenic | LoverSorry 2002-06-22 13:40:28 1樓 |