My dear Taelan, By the time you’re old enough to read this, I will have been gone a long time. I can’t adequately express how painful it is to have to leave you and your mother behind, but I suppose that sometimes life forces you to make difficult decisions. I fear that you’ll no doubt hear many bad things about me as you grow older—that people will look upon my actions and condemn them as evil. I fear that others will look down upon you for the decisions I have made. I won’t try to explain everything that’s happened in this note, but I need you to know that what I did, I did for honor’s sake. Honor is an important part of what makes us men, Taelan. Our words and our deeds must count for something in this world. I know it’s asking a great deal, but I hope that you will understand that someday. I want you to know that I love you dearly and that I’ll always carry you close to my heart. Your life and your deeds will be my redemption, son. You are my pride and my hope. Be a good man. Be a hero. Goodbye. 很多人玩魔兽世界并不了解它的历史和背景。作为如此经典的网络游戏,不了解这些是无法完全感受它的。在一味的对装备的追求中,很多人忘记了一些东西。不知道有多少人能知道这封信写的什么? [align=right][color=#000066][此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-28 18:02:29编辑过][/color][/align] | 和尚林 2006-07-28 18:01:53 0樓 |
| cocretx 2006-08-21 15:49:43 1樓 |
| 和尚林 2006-08-25 10:48:28 2樓 |
好 好 好 ~~~~~[em03][em03]THANk you [em03] | cocretx 2006-08-26 13:22:26 3樓 |