标 题:UO书籍翻译:“无耻陌生人”—穷人老法比欧着— 
时 间:Fri Jul 5 05:16:00 2002  

      The bold stanger
  -by Old Fabio the Poor-                  背景音乐:quotes(U8)

In a time before time, the Gods     从前从前,诸神为了创造索沙利亚世界
that Be assembled a group of        ,聚集艺术创作者、工匠、专家们(当
artisans, craftsmen and lore        然在那时已经有艺术存在了)组成一个
masters (for, yes, even in those    团队。诸神弄了一个叫瑞塔布的小世界
days, art existed) to create the    给这个团队去测试他们的工作结果,看
world of Sosaria. To this group,    能不能做到他们想实现的正式索沙利亚
the gods gave a tiny world,         世界所要求的品质。虽然诸神给的薪水
Rytabul, in which to test their     很少,这小组仍然努力地并花很多时间
works, to see if they were of the   工作,他们很快乐地做他们的工作。
quality desired for the true world
in which they would be placed.
And though the gods were tight
fisted with their gold, this small
crew worked hard and long, and
were happy in their tasks.
A small corner of Rytabul had been  有个叫谢拉克的慢艺术创作者被委托作
claimed by the artisan Selrahc the  瑞塔布的一个小角落。诸神祝福他的工
Slow. Though he was not the         作,送给他一样神秘法宝,并宣布他做
fastest of the assembled workers,   出的成果在这新进创作者间是最棒的。
the gods smiled upon his work,      于是谢拉克继续工作,做出的好几百样
even presenting him with a mystic   设计在未来将会丰富索沙利亚使它增色
talisman proclaiming his work the   不少。
best among the newer artisans.
And so Selrahc went about his
business, creating hundreds of
designs which would one day add
color and variety to Sosaria.
One day a stranger appeared to      某天,有个陌生人出现在谢拉克面前。
Selrahc. His chest was bare and he  他打赤膊还穿着一条鲜绿的裤子,他走
wore the trousers of the brightest  到哪,植物就从他走过的地方冒出来。
green, and wherever he went,        给谢拉克带来的麻烦还不只如此,那男
plants grew in his footsteps. This  人老检视他的肩膀,谢拉克做工作需要
caused Selrahc no end of trouble,   的空间都被发芽的植物占走了。
the stranger always looking over
his shoulder, and the plants
sprouting in places Selrahc
required to ply his art.
And so Selrahc approached the       于是谢拉克靠近那陌生人,并请他开口
stranger and bade him speak. But    说话。但那穿绿裤的男人保持沉默。谢
this man in green remained silent.  拉克请求陌生人自我介绍,并且请他让
Selrahc pleaded with the stranger   谢拉克好好工作别捣乱,但这神秘陌生
to give his name, and would he      人仍保持沉默。
please leave Selrahc to his work.
But this mysterious stranger
remained mute.
This angered Selrahc mightily. Who  这大大激怒了谢拉克,这沉默的男人是
was this silent man, interfering    谁啊?!竟敢干扰谢拉克受诸神之托所
with tasks the gods themselves had  做的工作?!为了羞辱这闯入者,谢拉
entrusted to Selrahc? In an         克偷走他的绿裤,让他光溜溜地毫无遮
attempt to embarass this interloper 掩,还批评他的性能力,但那陌生人仍
, Selrahc stole his green trousers, 不说话,也不离开瑞塔布的小角落。
leaving him naked and open to
comments about his very manhood,
and still the stranger would not
speak, would not leave this tiny
corner of Rytabul.
Vexed to his very limits, Selrahc   羞辱到极限,谢拉克拿起他的战斧重重
took his war axe and smote the      殴打那沉默男人,连续殴打,直到那陌
silent one mightily, again and      生人逃走为止,虽然那男人还是没吐出
again, until the silent stranger    半个字,但他再也没有出现在瑞塔布了
ran away, having never said a word  。关于无耻陌生人的故事说完了。
, and never showed himself in
Rytabul again.Thus endeth the tale
of the bold stranger.


2002-07-05 07:04:26