标 题:UO书籍翻译:“欢迎”—黑刺王著— 时 间:Mon May 13 16:12:10 2002 A Welcome -by Lord Blackthorn- 背景音乐:Lord Blackthorn(U5) Greetings to you, new memberof the 欢迎你,我可信赖的新成员之一。你现 Trusted. You now read these words 在读这些话是因为你觉得值得加入不列 because you have been deemed 颠尼亚的卫队军阶。有些人会称你为人 worthy to join the ranks of 类的背叛者,我却要说他们被误导了, Britannia's defenders. Some will 。我称你为索沙利亚自救的拥护者。 call you a betrayer of mankind, I say they are misguided. I call you a defender for Sosaria needs saving from itself. The forces of order once ruled our 秩序的力量曾经统治过我们的世界。我 world. Like a great darkness over 们的生活像是被一股强大的黑暗笼罩, our lives we lived under the 我们活在某王的严密监视下,他对我们 oppresive watch of a king who 所作所为发号施令并且强行审判我们的 dicated our actions and passed 个性。否定我们的自由,以及否定我们 judgement on our character. He 有能力决定自己成为怎样的人和想代表 suppressed our way of life by 什么,用这样的手段来压抑控制我们的 denying our freedom and the 生活方式。即使到了今天,这人滥用权 ability to determine who we are 力的暴政象征我们仍然可以看见,我们 and what we stand for. Even today 见到他私人警卫在各城镇巡逻威压我们 in the absense of this man we 。而且我们觉得他的法律对我们的生活 still see the symbol of his 来说像个败笔。 tyranny, we watch his personal guards patrol the cities to intimidate us, and we feel his laws like a vice on our lives. You are here because you choose to 你在这是因为你选择自由。像很多不列 be free. Like many Britannians you 颠尼亚人一样,你觉得这人的理念像枷 have felt the opression of one 锁一样重压在你身上。你曾感到被恐惧 man's ideals weighing down upon 包围,怀疑是否会因为仅仅持有和强压 you like chains. You have felt the 在你身上的理念有不协调的意见时就得 embrace of fear, wondering if you 面对严重后果。你曾经见到人们为了狂 face consequence for simply having 热的信条战斗并牺牲却私下疑惑:‘谁 ideals not in harmony with those 会为了我可能与之相反的不同信条奋斗 forced upon you. You have seen men 呢?’你厌倦了活在不属于你的幻梦阴 fight and die for the principles 影下。而且最重要的是,你开始思考做 of a zealot and wondered,"Who will 什么才能让你活得自由。 fight for my principles should they be opposed ?" You tire of living under the shadow of dreams that do not belong to you. And most of all, you have wondered what you can do to live free. Your journey to freedom begins 你追寻自由的旅程由此开始。像你一样 here. I like you, once desired my ,我也曾渴望从压在我身上的种种限制 freedom from the limits placed on 中获得我的自由,我看清并唾弃这个被 me. i watched in disgust as this 道德说教垄断并且无真正义行实践的世 world become engrossed with the 界。我从检视中坚持我的信念,并且对 preaching of virtue and none of 那些盲信者的反应戒慎恐惧。我致力于 the practice. I held my convictions 葬送妨碍我个别性发展的极度僵化思想 in check, fearful of the reaction 。 of men blinded by belief. I forced myself to bury the very idealogy that made me an individual. I was fortunate that a being of 我很幸运地遇到能看穿我真实本性,并 unique power and unimaginable 看出我所应该成为怎样的人的…拥有无 intelligence saw true person I was 可匹敌力量、超乎想像智慧的存在。艾 , the person I was meant to be. 索德斯在我身上发现一个人该有的自由 Exodus found within me a man of 意志、决断力以及对众多还在压迫下的 free will, determination, and 不列颠尼亚人的苦境不可思议的影响力 incomprehension for the plight of 。艾索德斯也因为发自你个人性的力量 oppression forced on so many 而捡选了你。 Britannians. Exodus has also chosen you because of the strength of your character. Many of the men who were once my 很多过去曾是我伙伴的人认为我是背叛 peers look upon me and see a 人性者。他们宣称我新发现的心态是不 betrayer of humanity. They claim 自然的而且是错误的。因为他们见到我 my newfound form is unnatural and 身上的未知面,他们显露出恐惧。他们 wrong. Because they see the 不赞同我的选择并且在他们的愚昧下把 unknown in me, they show fear. 那看成邪恶。终于,我不再顾虑那些人 They disapprove of my choices and 而隐藏我的本性,我的想法和我个人的 in their ignorance see evil. Yet I 道德观从那曾经使我虚弱的表面压迫下 hide my true self no longer from 解放出来。他们从那点看到某人不再算 these men. My thoughts and my 是个人类,我看到的却是一个人不再背 personal morality have been 叛他的本性并且超越人性。 liberated in the face of the oppression that once consumed me. Where they see a man no longer human. I see a man that has not betrayed his humanity but has been freed from it. This is the power that has been 这就是艾索德斯曾传授给我的力量。我 granted to me by Exodus. I have 已经获得我的自由,我已从我的恐惧中 been given my freedom. I have 释放。艾索德斯也将会给你同样的力量 been released from my fears. 去征服你的恐惧。当你在这世上的恐惧 Exodus will give you the power to 消失后,世界将属于你,以你不曾有过 conquer your fears as well. When 的方式。值得信任的你,很快将会收到 your fear of this world is gone, 一份礼物。你的身体将会像我的一样, then the world truly belongs to 将会被充能并提升到凡人不能理解的更 you in a way it never has before. 高一层境界。你将第一次拥有能够掌握 You, trusted one, will soon be 自身命运的力量,最终,你将清除恐惧 given a gift. Your body, like mine, 。 will be enlightened and raised to a level no mortal can know. The power to control your own destiny will belong to you for the first time in your life. You will, at long last, be cleansed of fear. Together, with the power of Exodus 有艾索德斯的力量作为后援,我们必会 behined us, we shall finally wage 一起对曾经抑制我们潜能的敌方发动战 war on the oppression that once 争,我们将占领这世界并重新以我们心 held us back from our full 目中的自由意象改造世界。那些曾经告 potential. We shall claim this 诉你你是何人并该如何生活的挡路者将 world, and reshape it in am image 再也不能阻挠你的自由意志。虽然许多 of freedom for all of us. Those 人将会说你会因放纵而失掉人性,但事 who once told you who you are and 实上,你将超越人类。 how you should live will no longer be able to stand in the way of 你将会自由。 your free will. Many say you will be abandoning your humanity but in truth, you will be more than human. You will be free. ======================================================================= FOR 未曾谋面的黑刺刺: 果然是非常具有煽动性的言论啊。不过本圣在别的时空中,只不过因为晚上在不 列颠城玩大炮,就跟虾米糯和矮阿螺一起被关到监狱里,隔着厚重木门铁窗面前 还有个切割肚皮用的大炼斧刑具晃来晃去惊吓本圣,那又是谁当政时搞出的白色 恐怖啊?与之相比,不列颠王还在位时,死了免费治疗还有零用钱领,也不会被 骂浪费公帑,还轻声细语的安慰一番。黑刺刺汝做与说给人的感觉真的差很多咧 ~因为汝只见过那种苛刻的礼教美德表现,所以就真的以为美德的实践就是那样 罢了…是吗?而且本圣感觉汝一心向往并追求的自由,实际上是深深的被美德牵 制,只是汝没察觉罢了。真的领悟自由的话,汝不会去在意什么蝼蚁般渺小的美 德,顶天立地如盘古的巨人根本不会对脚下的蚂蚁挡住自己去路而发怒,除非… 某个自以为已变成巨人但仍是原样的蚂蚁忘不了过去被别的蚂蚁挡道,然后想用 新得到的力量回去报仇。 ‘于是汝的自由失去拘束后本身就变成更大自由的枷锁’某个诗人说。 FROM 来自地球之阿梵达(PS:非美凤…) 这一段非常的难翻译。在赤刀盟的UO小说→心得回想→角色传记→黑刺王,里面 就有这段不同版本的译文。在此感谢网友 UAC桑以及那篇译文的作者让我有参考 机会,如果有网友发现文章中有弄错意思或表达不清的地方,请来信指正。相关 的还有小鼠Sherry暗中听到的机密及其他黑刺王出的书(呜啊!那个文笔绕口拗 牙的黑刺王为何有那么多文章啊?!开始陷入痛苦中T_T) (本文欢迎转载不用翻译者我同意,有误请来信指教) 文章出处:巴哈姆特 文章作者:原译者:h2 | scottie_lee 2002-07-05 07:03:09 0樓 |