标 题:UO书籍翻译:“我的故事”—小鼠雪莉著— 
时 间:Sun Jun 2 06:12:48 2002  

  My Story -by Sherry the mouse-      背景音乐:Realms of Ultima(U5)
                                       Salanthalas Quel'thas  1997

'T was on a chill night, when the   那是个寒冷的夜,当时苍白的月高挂在
moon shone pasty-faced above the    地平线上,照着不列颠王城的对称双塔
horizon, balanced on the towers of  ,有些和我有关的事件好几年前在那发
Lord British's castle, that the     生。我从我的小鼠洞目击这些事件。
events I am about to realte took
place, some years ago now. I
witnessed them all from my tiny
Milords British and Blackthorn are  不列颠及黑刺大人习惯在晚上下棋,在
accustomed to a game of chess 'pon  下棋时他们常常争论一些会影响到不列
an evening, over which they argue   颠领地的争议性国策议题。黑刺王在前
the issues that affect the course   往不列颠王会议室的半路上,而不列颠
of the realm. Lord Blackthorn was   王站在窗框边,他才刚刚把一些纸张挂
on his way to Lord British's        在板上。突然窗扇被吹开,不列颠王跌
chambers, and Lord British stood    在地上,用一只手遮护他的眼睛。
by a window casement, just having
finished setting pieces upon the
board. Suddenly the shutters blew
open, and Lord British fell to the
ground, one hand shielding his
eyes. A chill wind entered the      一阵寒风吹进房间里,有道裂缝像是撕
room, and it seemed a gash was      开空气般地出现。透过裂缝我可以看见
torn in the very air. Through the   闪耀的群星和旋涡星云,那寒冷吸掉室
gash I could see stars and          内所有温度。一阵可怕的风打乱室内的
swirling clouds of stellar dust,    书本、挂毯并掀倒家具。从裂缝中传出
and a coldness sucked all the       一种我从没听过的巨音。这些是祂所说
warmth from the air. A terrible     的话(凭我谨慎记下的记忆):“你好
wind tossed books and blankets      ,不列颠王,我是时间之王,从一个超
across the room, and furniture      越你所在次元来的访客,就像你是从索
toppled. From within this gash      沙利亚以外的世界来的一样。我为了警
issued a great voice, unlike any I  告你而来。你还记得许久以前,有个神
have ever heard. And these are the  秘陌生客来到索沙利亚,并且从邪恶巫
words it spoke (for I memorized     师蒙丹的手里救回索沙利亚世界吗?他
them most carefully):               打碎不朽宝珠,在每个碎片里都有个和
"Greetings, Lord British, I am the  索沙利亚极为相似的世界。”
Time Lord, a being from beyond
your dimension, as thou art from a
world other than Sosaria. I am
here to bring thee warning. Dost
thou recall how long ago a
mysterious Stranger came to
Sosaria and saved the world from
the evil wizard Mondain ? He
shattered the Gem of Immortality,
within which dwelled a perfect
likeness of this world." Lord       不列颠王慢慢地站起来并且面对空中的
British slowly stood and faced the  裂缝。‘我记得,’他说。‘我常常希
hole in the air."I remember," he    望那位陌生客会回来。’“他回来过了
said. "Often have I wished that     ”那声音说。“但不是回到这里。当宝
stranger would return." "He hath    珠被打碎,上千个碎片在空间中四散,
returned," spoke the voice. "But    而且每个碎片里都有个和这世界极为相
not to here. When the Gem was       似的世界。而你是生活在一个这样的碎
shattered, a thousand shards were   片上,因此你不是真实世界的那个…你
scattered across the dimensions,    只是个投影。”看来不列颠王被这番话
and in each shard there is a        震惊,而且我也不晓得该思考些什么!
perfect likeness of this world.     我只是个幻影吗?真正的我正活在无穷
And thou dost live upon one such    宇宙中的别处?
shard, for thou art not of the
true world - thou art merely a
reflection." Lord British looked
shaken by this, and I did not know
what to think! Was I merely a
shadow of the real me, which lives
still somewhere else across
uncounted universes ? "My task is   “不列颠王,我的任务是治愈这破碎的
to heal this shattered world, Lord  世界”那声音说。“并且为我的目的我
British", said the voice. "And I    寻求你的协助。在这事件上,要警告的
seek to enlist thee in my cause.    是:治疗会附带可怕的代价。”担忧和
Be warned that in this case,        好奇的表情同时在我主脸上交战着,但
healing carries with it a terrible  他一直是承担重任的人,他挺直了身子
price." Concern warred with         并勇敢面对空中的裂缝。‘说出你的代
curiosity on my liege's face, but   价。’“一个世界的碎片是有强大能量
ever one to shoulder a burden, he   的东西,并且一个破碎的世界总是受到
straightened and faced the gash in  邪恶力量的威胁。已经有三个碎片变为
the air bravely. "Name thy price."  邪恶,并且以影之主的形态送到原来的
"A shard of a universe is a         世界变成祸源。我曾带陌生客回到不列
powerful thing, and a universe      颠尼亚许多次,去保护它不受它自身的
shattered is alway in danger from   愚昧或是外来的危险所伤害。只要世界
the powers of darkness. Already     继续持续分裂状态,它也就一直处在脆
three were turned to evil, and      弱状态。我们必须使这些碎片达到协调
sent to plague the original         ,以这种方式产生共鸣可以和原来的世
universe in the form of             界相应和。然后两个世界会结合,重新
Shadowlords. Many times have I      变为一体。”
brought the Stranger back to
Britannia, to preserve it from its
own folly or from outside dangers.
Yet as long as the world remaineth
in pieces, it remaineth
vulnerable. We must bring the
shards into harmony, so that the
resonate in such a manner that
matches the original universe.
Then the two universes shall
merge, and be again one." "But if   ‘但果我们只是幻影…’不列颠王不确
we are only shadows..." Lord        定地说。在裂缝中的星光看起来变暗了
British said wonderingly. The       。“的确,所有的投影会变成原先的一
light from the stars within the     个。你会消失变回原样,成为你较大本
hole seemed to dim. "Indeed, the    体的一部份。你不会死;不论如何,从
reflections shall become one with   那天起,数不清的世代已经消逝并且产
the original. Thou wouldst cease    生子孙,他们并没有极相似的副本。他
to be as thou art, and become part  们会完全死去。”不列颠王在惊骇中整
of the larger you. Thou shalt not   个人垂下,了解到为了治愈世界可能付
die; however, uncounted generations 出的可怕代价。‘我的全体人民…’他
have passed and borne children      深呼吸说。“这是为了更大的善。”不
since that day, and they have no    列颠王点头。
counterparts. They would perish
utterly. Lord British sagged in
shock, realizing the terrible price
that would be paid to heal the
universe. "All of my people," he
breathed. "Tis for the greater good.
" Lord British bowed his head.
'Twas then I saw the movement by    当我看以大红帘幕半掩着的门那边时,
the door, half-hid by the heavy     黑刺王站在那,藏在房间的角落,他脸
red curtains. Lord Blackthorn       色苍白。我不能说,但我怀疑他听到那
stood there, concealed from the     个神秘声音所说的全部。
rest of the room, his face white.
How lang had he been listening ? I
cannot say, yet I suspect that he
had heard all that the mysterious
voice had to say.
"How then, shall I aid thee ?"      ‘然而,我该帮助你吗?’不列颠王说
Lord British said, weariness in his ,他的声音带着疲惫。“帮助那个住在
voice. "Aid the nobilty that        人心的高尚存在。保护最近晚上出现在
redideth in the human heart.        你想法中的美德。它们是生活的美德,
Protect the Virtues that so         你其他的相似者也会明白它们是。当你
recently came to thee in thought    的人民确实依此生活并呈现这些美德时
late at night. They are the         ,应该会与真实的不列颠尼亚相配和,
Virtues of life, as your            并且你所在的碎片世界会再结合回到真
counterpart understands them to     实的那一个世界。”空中的裂缝开始闭
be. For when thy populace doth      合,这时房间里原先被抽走的温度回升
live and breathe these Virtues,     。‘我今晚要和黑刺讨论我的想法,’
shall it match the true Britannia,  不列颠王深呼吸说。‘难道我其实并没
and thy shard shall rejoin with it  有属于我自己的思想吗?我的生命居然
." The gash in the air began to     只是另一个我的幻影而已吗?’
close, and with it warmth stole
back into the room. "I was going
to discuss my idea with Blackthorn
tonight," Lord British breathed.
"Have I no thoughts that are my
own ? Is my life but a reflection
of another me ?"
"Nay," said the voice, smaller      “不,”那声音说,音量随着裂缝的闭
throug the diminished opening.      合越变越小。“不如说,你是平行存在
"Say, rather, that you are          的,无法保证你能完成我的托付。我今
parallel, for there is no guarantee 晚对上千个你说话,也请求所有的你同
that thou shalt accomplish what I   样的事情。也许并不是全部的你都会设
have set thee to. I speak tonight   法帮我。”说完时,裂缝完全封闭,那
to a thousand of thee, and ask the  声音也不见了,只留下暴风肆虐的一房
same of all. Perhaps not all shall  间凌乱痕迹。
seek to aid me." And with that, the
gash closed, and the voice was gone
, leaving a room that appeared
tossed by a mighty storm.
"Destroy the world to save the      ‘用破坏这世界的方式拯救整体的世界
universe," Lord British said        ,’不列颠王痛苦的说。‘我不怀疑可
bitterly. "I do not wonder that     能会有人来阻碍。’黑刺王使自己冷静
some may balk." Lord Blackthorn     下来,大步走进房间,并得体地装出吃
collected himself, and strode into  惊样说:‘我主!这里发生什么事了?
the room, a decent mimicry of       ’他高叫,高明地假装惊讶。
surprise on his face. "My liege!
What has happened here?" he
exclaimed, feigning dismay well.
But not well enough to fool his old 但是还没有高明到可以愚弄他老朋友的
friend, whose eyes narrowed at      地步,不列颠王眯着眼瞧他。‘你听到
seeing him there. "How much didst   多少了?’不列颠王问。‘为何?没什
thou hear ?" demanded Lord British. 么啊。’黑刺应付地说,他的头避开不
"Why, nothing." managed Blackthorn  列颠王,并弯身捡回掉落的棋子。‘我
, his head ducked away from his     很少只为我们的棋局而来。’他们一起
friend, as he bent to retrieve the  扶正棋桌,并将棋子放置在黑白格子上
fallen chess pieces. "I merely      。
came for our game of chess."
Together they righted the pedestal
table, and set the pieces upon the
black and white squares.
"Such simplicity to the game,       ‘如这游戏般单纯,黑刺,’不列颠王
Blackthorn," mused Lord British,    若有所思地说,手指在板上漫无目的地
idly brushing one finger against    划来划去。‘黑与白,每个棋子对应它
the board. "Black and white, each   自己的颜色,似乎生命也这么简单。你
to its own color, as if life were   是怎么想的?’黑刺用力坐在棋桌旁边
so simple. What think you ?"        的垫子上。‘我认为事情从来不会是这
Blackthorn sat heavily on a         么简单,我主。而我会深深遗憾居然有
hassock beside the chess table.     人,像是我朋友之类的,会如此看待事
"I think that matters are never     情。’不列颠王眼光对上他的眼光。‘
so simple, my liege. And that I     然而,有些时候人必须牺牲一个卒子去
would regret it deeply if someone,  拯救国王。’黑刺王正视着他的注视。
such as a friend, saw it thus."     ‘即使小卒也有他的生活和他在家的所
Lord British's eyes met his. "Yet   爱之人,我主。’然后他伸手拿个卒子
sometimes one must sacrifice a      ,并且稳稳的将卒子往前移两格。
pawn to save a king." Lord
Blackthorn met his gaze squarely.
"Even pawns have lives and loves
at home, my lord." Then he
reached out for a pawn, and
firmly moved it forward two
squares. "Shall we play a game?"    ‘我们可以开始玩一场了吗?’他问。
he asked. The chess game that night 那晚的棋局以平手收场,而且他们以一
was a draw, and they played grimly. 种冷酷的气氛去下那场棋局。第二天,
And the next day, Lord British      不列颠王集合贵族宣布新美德系统的想
gathered the nobles to proclaim     法,并且宣布在不列颠尼亚大陆上应该
the idea of a new system of         兴建神殿。黑刺王痛苦的反对这事,很
Virtues, and declared that shrines  多人也奇怪他为何这么做,因为他一直
should be built across the land.    是高贵而且正直的人,而且他和不列颠
Lord Blackthorn opposed it bitterly 王过去总是能取得和解。黑刺王宣布他
, and many thought him strange for  也将兴建属于他的神殿,从那天以后他
doing so, for ever had he been a    就离开不列颠王城堡,去住在王城北方
noble and upright man, and ever     湖中的塔内。他们仍然是最好的朋友,
had he and Lord British been in     但悲剧横档在他们两之间,好像他们并
accord. Declaring that he should    不是被托付而是被迫做出的选择。
start his own shrine, he departed
the castle that day to live in a
tower in a lake on the north side
of the city. They are still the
best of friends, yet a sadness
hangs between them, as if they were
forced into making choices that
appealed not to them. And at night, 在夜间,我轻轻地爬出我主寝室的墙角
when I creep softly from one corner 到别处时,我偶尔会见到他从床头柜拿
of my liege's bedchamber to another 出一只棋卒,握在手中,然后静静地掉
, I sometimes see him take a pawn   泪。但我只不过是只小鼠,没人会听我
from his night table, and hold it   的。
in his hand, and quietly weep.
But I am but a mouse, and none
hear me. This tale goes unkown,     这段传闻恐怕会无人知晓,所以我用我
save for my writing these enormous  的小脚蘸墨汁写下大量文字保存这个故
letters with my in-stained tiny     事让你阅读,也是为了我们的世界、我
paws for thee to read, for I fear   们的人民,在那些濒临毁灭的危险时刻
indeed for our world and for our    。
people in these perilous times.


中那只会说话的殿前御鼠了,跟它说话,旁边的Dupre(读音不明) 还一副我疯


2002-07-05 07:01:59