标 题:UO书籍翻译:“专题:次元旅行”-法师卓右斯.多斯特著- 
时 间:Fri Jun 14 01:26:55 2002  

  Dimensional Travel: A monograph
      -by Dryus Doost, Mage-              背景音乐:Moonglow(UO)

'Tis beyond the scope of this       在这小专题的前面要讨论月门的一些细
small monograph to discuss the      节,还有它们扭曲实体结构形成通道可
details of moongates, and the       让生物到达不同地点、不同世界、甚至
manners in which they distort the   不同次元的方式。
fabric of reality in such a manner
as to permit the passage of living
flesh from place to place, world
to world, or indeed from dimension
to dimension.
Instead, allow me to bring thy      容我以吸引您注意的方式代替,看官,
attention, Gentle Reader, to the    为了您与其他同在我们不列颠领地内的
curious characteristics that are    个体共有的好奇天性。
shared by certain individuals
within our realm.
Long has it been known that the     蓝月门可以传送到不同地点久为人知,
blue moongate permits travel from   并且这方法并不会有麻烦产生。但已知
place to place, and none have       ,对少数某些个体而言,无法穿越通往
trouble in taking this path. Yet    不同次元的黑月门。
'tis also known, albeit only to a
few, that certain individuals are
unable to traverse the black
moongates that permit travel from
one dimension to another.
The noted mage and peer of our      我们不列颠领地著名的法师兼贵族黑刺
realm, Lord Blackthorn, once told   王,有一次当面告诉我说他的秘密研究
me in conversation that his arcane  已从另一次对话中得到结论。为了方便
research had indicated that the     理解,对这事提出一个假设:以一个在
issue was one of conservation of    多重次元内,纯由乙太物质构成的重叠
ether. To wit, given the postulate  区域次元来说,那可很明显的导论出乙
that matter within a given          太结构无法进入进入它已存在的次元。
dimension may be but a              。
cross-section of ethereal matter
that exists in multiple
dimensions, it becomes obvious
that said ethereal structure
cannot enter dimensions in which
it is already present.
Imagine an individual (and the      想像一个个体(黑刺王暗示他也是这样
Lord Blackthorn hinted that he      的一个个体)以某种形式存在于多重次
was one such) who exist already in  元内:说那个体无法进入另一个次元是
some form in multiple dimensions:   因为“他其实已经在那里了。”
said individual would not be able
to cross into another dimension
The implications of this are        这件事有多重含意,并且值得深究。在
staggering, and merit further       这同一领域的许多著名理论说明,一个
study. 'Tis well known by           个体在乙太结构内的许多分身包含了在
theorists in the field that         时间层面内的那些在乙太之上被因果律
divisions in the ethereal           影响的分身。这是白月门有时光旅行功
structure of an individual are      能的基本运作机制。
already implicit at the temporal
level, as causality forces
divisions upon the ether. This is
the basic operating mechanism by
which white moongates function,
permitting time travel.
As time travel is not barred by     时光旅行并不因有过去的自己在变成不
the presence of an earlier self     可能(虽然遇到过去的自己可能会有不
(though encountering said earlier   明的危险在),那一定是有乙太构造的
self can prove arcanely perilous),  阻碍物挡住许多从同一条时间之流来的
there must be some rigidity to the  瞬时多重结构物。
ethereal structure that bars
multiple instantiations of
structures from manifesting within
the same context.
If one regards time and causal      如果把时间与因果分歧当成一个网状构
bifurcation as a web, perhaps the   造,也许把次元矩阵类比成有坚固键结
appropriate analogy for             的结晶构造会比较适合。
dimensional matrices is that of a
crystalline structure with rigid
The only way in which an            像黑刺王那种存在于多次元矩阵内的个
individual such as Lord Blackthorn  体,只有一种状况可以穿越黑月门往异
, who exists in multiple            世界,就是当全部的次元结晶构造完美
dimensional matrices, can cross     精确地配合目的地次元的乙太结构时。
worlds via a black moongate, would
be for the entire crystalline
structure of the dimension to
perfectly match the ethereal
resonance of the destination
The problem of why certain          至于为何有些个体是重复存在于多重结
individuals are already replicated  晶矩阵的这个问题,我无法用这简陋的
in multiple crystalline matrices    理论提供任何概略解说,我热切希望有
is one that I fail to provide any   一天有人能征服这个棘手问题并使世人
schema for in these poor theories.  明白。
It is my fondest hope that someday
someone shall conquer that thorny
problem and enlighten the world.


这是类似科学理论的译作,必须合于逻辑,感谢 timysandy桑看出先前版本的不

2002-07-05 07:01:28