标 题:UO书籍翻译:“黄昏城古典传说:第一册”—克拉克印刷厂印制— 时 间:Wed Jul 3 21:54:43 2002 Classic tales of Vesper:Volume 1 背景音乐:Wind(UO) -by Clarke Printery- 'Tis an Honor to present to Thee 很荣幸为您呈现这些自古流传的故事集 these Tales collected from Ages 。在这头一册我们将献上在孩子们入睡 Past. In this Inaugural Volume, we 时念给他们当摇篮曲听的诗。 present this Verse oft Recited as a Lullabye for sleepy Children. Preface by Guilhem the 学者基尔汉 序 Scholar The meaning of this verse has oft 这诗的含意常常在学者间议论著,因为 been discussed in halls of 它那神秘如诵经般的单调旋律,很奇怪 scholarly sorts, for its 地,大人们听了会感到心烦乱耳,小孩 mysterious singsongy melody is 们却觉得那能使他们安然入梦。 oddly disturbing to adult ears, though children seem to find it restful as they sleep. Perhaps it is but the remnant of 也许因为它是一篇已失传亡佚的长篇民 a longer ballad once extant, for 谣的残存部分,有些内容暗示一个古老 there are internal indications 的故事关于命运乖张的情侣以及走火入 that it once told a longer story 魔的魔法实验。 about ill-fated lovers, and a magical experiment gone awry. However, poetic license and the 然而由于诗的破格变体和民谣演变已经 folk process has distorted the 扭曲原文,至今那传说里面提到的地点 words until now the locale of the 只剩‘风之中’的描述而已。而这提供 tale is no more than "in the wind," 一个美妙的隐喻让听众无法联想到任何 which while it serves a pleasingly 存在的真实地点! metaphorical purpose, fails to inform the listener as to any real locale! Another possibility is that this 另一个可能就是…那是某种创世神话, is some form of creation myth 用来解释各种漫游在不列颠尼亚大陆上 explaining the genesis of the 的亚人类起源。 various humanoid creatures that roam the lands of Britannia. It does not take a stretch of the 不过那理由还不够想像力发挥,去为诗 imagination to name the middle 中段‘女孩变成树’的句子找出可能和 verse's "girl becomes a tree" as a 树妖有关的解释。而在麦洛克周边地区 possible explanation for the 的伐木同业间,常常把树妖称作‘寡妇 reaper, for in the area 生产者’。这些生物的神秘起源被这样 surrounding Minoc, reapers are oft 神话故事化的话,那诗显示其作者应是 referred to among the lumber 更古早的人才是,因为使用了‘编扎乙 jacking community as "widowmakers." 太’这种古代法术用语,那用语常常可 That these creatures are of arcane 以在古文献里发现。 origin is assumed, but the verse seems to imply a long ago creator, and uses the antique magickal terminology of "plaiting strands of ether" that is so often found in ancient texts. In addition, the reference to 另外,也许把‘蛇丘’一词想作是某个 "snakehills" may profitably be 真实地点会比较好,例如可能是个位于 regarded as a reference to an 巨蛇山脉里的某地点。 actual location, such as perhaps a local term for the Serpent's Spine. A commoner interpretation is that 像很多儿歌一样的更普遍解释是:为了 like many nursery rhymes, it is a 维持世界的平衡,某处的风趁男孩女孩 simple explanation for death, 们在睡觉时把他们捉走。有本著名的儿 wherein the wind snatches up boys 童冒险故事里的‘蛇丘’被想成是个灵 and girls and when they sleep in 魂居住的冥界。 order to keep the balance of the world. Notable tales have been written for children of adventures in "the Snakehills," which are presumed to be an Afterworld whence the spirit lives on. A grim lullabye, to be sure, but 但已知没有比一首叫‘别让我在睡醒前 no worse than "lest I die before I 死去’的摇篮曲还冷酷的。 wake" surely. In either case,'tis an old favorite 因为这是首久受喜爱的诗并为了让您享 herein printed for the first time 用品读,本书第一次把这诗刊印出来。 for thy enjoyment and perusal! In the Wind where the Balance 风之中 Is Whispered in Hallways 平衡在廊下低语 In the Wind where the Magic 风之中 Flows All through the Night 魔法彻夜流动 There live Mages and Mages 那住的尽是法师 With Robes make of Whole Days 穿着一天做出的法袍 Reading Books full of Doings 读着许多以光印出的实务书籍 Printed on Light In the Wind where the Lovers 风之中 Are Crossed under Shadows 情侣邂逅暗影下 Where they Meet and are Parted 于此相遇与分离 By the Orders of Fate 命运注定下 The Girl becomes Tree, 女孩变成树 And thus becomes Widow 然后成寡妇 The Boy becomes Earth 男孩变成土 And Wanders Till Late 漂泊至老死 In the Wind are the Monsters 风之中 First Born First Created 怪物初创生 When Chanting and Ether 当吟诵与乙太 Mix Meddling and Nigh 混合干扰与接近 Fear going to Wind, 害怕入风中 Fear Finding its Plaitings, 害怕发现风之编扎 Go Not to the Snakehills 别去蛇丘 Lest you Care to Die 只要你怕死的话 ====================================================================== 这篇很难翻译,所以请翻译功力好的网友们如果发现翻的不诗意的地方不吝指教 。我以前曾逛到一个像被虫乱啃挖的山脉内,后来知道那叫巨蛇山脉,里面有间 摆了个传送魔法垫的房间,因为法力不够高强所以无法进入。后来能进入时,听 见巫妖在那里狂笑的声音(是嘲笑本圣搞这么久才进入风城是不是?!立刻用爆 炸术教训那无礼放肆的巫妖XD)。这风城(WIND)建立在洞穴里面,高低廊道穿 梭,里面的法师、练金术士和药师真的多很多。听说是浑沌、美德之外第三价值 系统‘平衡’的根据地,可是我一点也看不出来…WIND在过去ULTIMA系列有表现 出平衡的故事吗?也好像没看到‘平衡’神殿在城市里面…然后是街道和怪物巢 穴混杂,怪物逛到大街上了就得拼命的叫守卫(guards! )秒杀它们,不然凭一 人之力是很难和那些龙、元素、恶魔什么的周旋。还好崔美尔可以穿过怪物不被 挡住,不然在那种狭窄通道被超强怪物包围大概就死定了。 在此感谢yaulee桑提供的Formosa M&H图书馆设施,位于Cove城门外向东10步处 ,我用里面的符石去风城,大家可以多多利用。 不过关于这首诗似乎还有很多我没听说的故事,如果谁知道拜托说一下吧。 (本文欢迎转载不用翻译者我同意,有误请来信指正) 文章出处:巴哈姆特 文章作者:原译者:h2 (Ho eyo he hum) | scottie_lee 2002-07-04 23:19:44 0樓 |
LEE如果是正统的UO资料全部移到真实的不列点尼亚去。重点保护。。HOHO。 | zerg 2002-07-06 17:59:49 1樓 |