A Politic Call to Anarchy -by Lord Blackthorn- 背景音乐:Lord Blackthorn Let it never be said that I have 别说我从没和我主不列颠王争论过,虽 never aught as quarrel with my 然我们的确是最好的朋友。某个冬夜, liege Lord British, for indeed we 我们下一场友谊棋赛,同时用几小时讨 be of the best of friends, sharing 论了一些之后影响到不列颠尼亚领地的 amicable games of chees 'pon a 争议。但真正的友谊并不妨碍真实的哲 winter's night, and talking at 学争论。 length into the wee hours of the issues that affect the realm of Britannia. Yet true friendship doth not prevent true philosophical disagreement either. While I view with approval my 当我认可地察看我主他精心设计,哪点 lord's affection for his carefully 劝人为善的八大美德哲学偏好时,我就 crafted philosophy of the Eight 不太赞成地看待从公库花钱在那些彰显 Virtues, wherein moral behavior 美德的建筑物‘神殿’这件事。那争执 is encouraged in the populace. I 不是关于钱的争执,而是关于在道德上 view with less approval the 更明智恰当之抉择的争执。 expenditure of public funds upon the construction of "shrines" to said ideals. The issue is not one of funds, however, but a disagreement most intellectual over the proper way of humankind in an ethical sence. Surely freedom of decision must be 当然不论谁在任何道德抉择上的自由必 regarded as paramount in any such 须当他是最高决策者来尊重?虽然没人 moral decision ? Though none fail 会忘记谴责杀人者,另外附带产生一个 to censure the murderer, a subtler 问题是:我们会去质疑…如果他是在强 question arises when we ask if his 迫下做的谋杀,可算得上是合道德吗? behavior would be ethical if he were forced to it. I say to thee, 我跟各位读者直接了当的说,没有任何 the reader, quite flatly, that no 道德系统可以支配我,除非它说服了我 ethical system shall sway over me 。对我而言,有自由选择存在的道德系 unless it convinceth me, for that 统才是正当的。 freely made choice is to me the sign that the system hath validity .Whereas the system of "Virtues" 然而我赞同我主信仰的复杂且被普遍认 that my liege espouses is indeed a 同的‘美德’系统,但这系统试着控制 compilation of commonly approved 大众并且限制他们行为的多样性及范围 virtues, I approve of it. Where it 时,我就会起来抨击。 seeks to control the populace and restrict their diversity and their range of behaviors, I qurral with it. And thus do I issue this 当我发布这混沌宣言时,请不列颠王原 politic call to anarchy, whilst 谅我的狂妄:庆祝你的差异性吧。依你 humbly begging forgiveness of Lord 内心的明灯行动吧。问题会从形成法律 British for my impertinence: 、规则、审判、美德的源头冒出来。那 Celebrate thy differences. Take 可能(虽然我并不很认真地暗示)是有 thy actions according to thy own 恶魔在我主不列颠王的心里种下这些叫 lights. Question from what source 美德的种子,而那些神殿也可能是摧毁 a law, a rule, a judge, and a 这世界的计谋之一。 virtue may arise. 'Twere possible (though I suggest it not seriously) that a daemon planted the seed of these "Virtues" in my Lord British's mind; 'twere possible that the Shrines were but a plan to destory this world. Thou canst not 除非你去询问、质疑,最后信任你自身 know unless thou questioneth, 及自己的判断,你不会了解。我仅对那 doubteth, and in the end, unless 些追寻启蒙的人提出这哲学沉思。那就 thou relyest upon THYSELF and thy 是曾经占据我心思并且也将会深入不列 judgement. I offer these words as 颠王的争议。 mere philosophical musings for those who seek enlightment, for 'tis the issue that hath occupied mine interest and that of Lord British for some time now. ======================================================================= 其实,黑刺王点出一些蛮重要的伦理学的探讨议题。那似乎曾经是朱子和王阳明 理论各执一边的论点,也曾经是连线宗教板常常引发的争论:如果人没有自由选 择,那也不该承担莫须有的原罪…一堆人就这样和基督教系的信徒杠上。再来是 在战争中杀人或是执刑者处决犯人究竟合不合道德,也是常常在争论的事。教育 理论里面的道德发展论说:道德有他律的阶段和自律的阶段,自律是个人道德成 长中比他律成熟的层次,还没成熟的人就是靠着外部的权威如父母、政府、权威 人士等等的道德标准来判断。所以黑刺王说自身去探究查明道德的本体究竟为何 ,那是非常有道理的。道德如果没有经过深思熟虑就盲目接受时,常常出现浅薄 并且限制生命发展的礼教束缚现象。在后面几代的创世纪开头都会问的问题,那 叫做道德两难的问题,我是念到教育心理学时才知道这种特别设计过的题目,没 想到很久以前早已出现在游戏的世界里。深入思考这种题目会让一个人的道德判 断力有增加的机会,以后遇到各种做人处事上的困难时会处理的比较圆融些。又 是个寓教于乐的例子…道德如果不是自愿那就一点也不道德了。那个自愿到什么 程度,相映于一个人人格发展到什么程度。 (本文欢迎转载不用翻译者我同意,如有错误请来信通知更正) 文章出处:巴哈姆特 文章作者:h2 | scottie_lee 2002-07-04 23:17:02 0樓 |