* Control Undead:
Invocation/咒语: Nutu Magistri Supplicare
Reagents/药材: Bloodspawn, Bone, Blackmoor
Mana cost/所耗魔法值: 40
Effect/该法术效果诠释: Causes the targetted undead to obey the caster. 使不死系怪物目标服从施法者
* Darkness
Invocation: In Caligne Abditus
Reagents: Pumice, Pig Iron
Mana cost: 40
Effect: Recudes vision of the target.目标视力残废
* Decaying Ray
Invocation: Umbra Aufero Vita
Reagents: 2 x Vial Of Blood, Volcanic Ash, Daemon Bone
Mana cost: 40
Effect: Reduces armor-rating of the target. 降低目标装备等级
* Spectre's Touch
Invocation: Enervare
Reagents: Executioner's Cap, Brimstone, Daemon Bone
Mana cost: 40
Effect: Light attack spell. Causes waterbased damage to target. 光线攻击魔法。对目标造成水系伤害
* Abyssal Flame
Invocation: Orinundus Barathrum Erado Hostes Hostium
Reagents: Brimstone, Obsidian, Volcanic Ash, Daemon Bone, Dragon's Blood
Mana cost: 60
Effect: Hurls a fireball which explodes on impact towards the target. 投掷一个火球冲击目标后爆炸
* Animate Dead
Invocation: Corpus Sine Nomine Expergefaceret
Reagents: Bone, Fertile Dirt, Vial Of Blood, Obsidian
Mana cost: 60
Effect: Resurrects dead monsters to fight for the caster.复活以死的怪物为施法者战斗,非常强。
* Sacrifice
Invocation: Animus Ex Corporis Resolveretur
Reagents: Executioner's Cap, Bloodspawn, Wyrm's Heart, Blackmoor, Bone
Mana cost: 60
Effect: Sacrifices a summoned unit to cause equally much damage to the surrounding monsters as the summon had in HP.牺牲一个召唤单位对周围邻近怪物造成此召唤单位的生命值等量的伤害值
* Wraith's Breath
Invocation: Manes Sollicti Mi Compellere
Reagents: Obsidian, Pumice, Bone, Blackmoor
Mana cost: 60
Effect: Paralyzes targets in an area for a LONG time.相当长时间的麻痹一个区域内所有目标
* Sorcerer's Bane
Invocation: Fluctus Perturbo Magus Navitas
Reagents: Volcanic Ash, Wyrm's Heart, Daemon Bone, Pumice, Dragon's Blood, Dead Wood
Mana cost: 100
Effect: Throws a waterfall over the target, draining both life and mana.
* Summon Spirit
Invocation: Manes Turbidi Sollictique Resolverent
Reagents: Daemon Bone, Brimstone, Dragon's Blood, Bloodspawn
Mana cost: 100
Effect: Summons random amount of undeads to fight for the caster.召唤随机数量的不死生物为施法者战斗
* Wraithform
Invocation: Manes Sollicti Mihi Infundite
Reagents: Daemon Bone, Brimstone, Bloodspawn
Mana cost: 100
Effect: Morphs the caster into a Wraith, dealing damage to both friend and foe in his vicinity.施法者变身鬼魂,给予其邻近朋友及敌人伤害
* Wyvern Strike
Invocation: Umbrae Tenebrae Venarent
Reagents: Dragon's Blood, Serpent's Scale, Blackmoor, Bloodspawn, Volcanic Ash
Mana cost: 100
Effect: Throws a poisonous wave of flame towards the target.向目标投掷一耀目的毒浪
* Kill
Invocation: Ulties Manum Necarent
Reagents: Daemon Bone, Executioner's Cap, Vial Of Blood, Dragon's Blood, Wyrm's Heart, Volcanic Ash, Eye Of Newt
Mana cost: 130
Effect: May kill the target instantly, if not, deals a fair amount of damage. 可以秒杀目标,如果失败,对自身造成一定量的伤害
* Liche
Invocation: Umbrae Tenebrae Miserere Animi Non Digna Ferentis
Reagents: Daemon Bone, Brimstone, Dragon's Blood, Bloodspawn, Executioner's Cap, Blackmoor, Vial Of Blood, Volcanic Ash
Mana cost: 130
Effect: Transforms the caster into a liche, reducing strength and dexterity by a little but giving the caster a huge manaboost. Also makes him undead, thus killable by normal heals. 施法者变成巫妖,降低一些力量跟敏捷但是给予其巨大的法力(恢复?)同样使其成为不死系,像普通的治疗魔法就可以将其杀死
* Plague
Invocation: Fluctus Puter Se Aresceret
Reagents: Volcanic Ash, Batwing, Daemon Bone, Dragon's Blood, Bloodspawn, Pumice, Serpent's Scale
Mana cost: 130
Effect: Poisons enemies within an area. 毒击一个区域内的敌人
* Spellbind
Invocation: Nutu Magistri Se Compellere
Reagents: Eye Of Newt, Vial Of Blood, Fertile Dirt, Pig Iron
Mana cost: 130
Effect: Makes the target controllable by the caster. 使目标可由施法者控制