Horace: 希望本采访能回答一些不太了解EVE的新玩家的问题和疑虑。另外,请大家让自己的发言保持建设性,无关游戏本身的话题会被限制,从近期开始,CCP会协助我们的中国合作伙伴光通对论坛进行正式管理,希望广大成熟、冷静的中国玩家能和我们一起努力创造一个和谐、友好、成熟的游戏社区,谢谢。
CCP的口号是:We care more, we work harder.
CCP 首席执行官兼技术官(CEO&CTO) Hilmar V. Petursson 先生
首席营销官(CMO) Magnus Bergsson 先生
首席中国代表(Chief China Representative) Horace Xiong 先生
1. EVEonline是一种什么类型的游戏?这种游戏的文化基础来自于什么?
EVE Online is truly a unique massively multiplayer online game where the storyline is shaped entirely by the players. EVE Online is a space cruising MMO with a myriad of quests and professions fitted to almost all types of gamestyles. EVE′s background is a hostile space of galactic magnitude where the strong survive and the weak perish. The EVE universe is controlled by a hyper capitalistic economy and military might. Players have complete freedom in choosing their own destiny, but the ultimate goal is for each player to establish themselves as a major mover and shaker in their chosen profession. Players can join corporations that fit their gamestyle, but there are thousands of corporations in EVE all with their own objective ranging from respected trading corporations to feared pirate corporations that pray on the unsuspected. EVE offers gamers a deeper and more rewarding game experience as they themselves are the creators of their own destiny in a global game universe that is larger and more dynamic than any other.
EVE online 可以说是一款独一无二的真正意义上的“巨量”多玩家在线网络游戏,其游戏的主要内容完全由玩家生成。EVE是以太空科幻为背景的包含无穷种任务和职业组合的游戏,你可以在游戏里自由发挥你的想象力。整个世界建立在弱肉强食的浩瀚星际空间,由高度自由的资本化的经济系统和军事集权掌控。玩家可以自由选择他们的命运,但最终玩家的目标将是成为一个EVE世界旧秩序的撼动者。玩家可以加入符合他们游戏风格的军团——这上千个军团的发展理念各有不同,有的致力于经济贸易,有的乐于成为可怕的海盗。EVE创造了比其它任何网络游戏都更自由、更富于动态特性的的游戏框架,一切的一切,都由玩家自己创造并体验。
2. 这种文化背景下的EVE,有这种独特之处的EVE,能被中国玩家接受么?
Current online games are pretty much all fantasy based and don’t offer the freedom and player interaction that EVE Online offers. EVE Online is also the largest game world which has resulted in an incredibly dynamic gameplay where the players themselves have a real impact. We have found that these attributes are universally appealing to gamers. Gamers want to have real impact and be a part of a world which they created and not be restricted by whatever the game developer decides We have also heard from our existing Chinese players that they really enjoy how refreshingly different EVE is and it seems that they, like gamers in the west, are looking for a new alternative to the traditional MMOG. We also think that EVE will suit the Chinese player really well as it demands a level of thinking and cunningness we know the Chinese players have.
EVE Online 跟所有市场上的游戏都明显不同。目前中国网络游戏市场上充斥了太多奇幻类游戏,这些游戏给玩家的自由度和互动度没有EVE online给于的那么多。目前EVE online 是世界最大的单一游戏世界,其经济系统完全由玩家控制,这种设定给予了游戏世界惊人的动态性,玩家的行为真正对游戏世界产生影响。从我们的经验来看,这些特性对全世界玩家都极富吸引力,因为有许多玩家不再愿意被游戏开发者所限制,他们想要亲手控制整个游戏世界并成为其一部分。另外据我们现在的中国玩家反映(我们现在有2000名来自中国的玩家在我们位于伦敦的服务器上),他们早已厌倦了市场上现有的产品,而EVE online给了他们完全不同的体验。另外,EVE需要更高的智慧和更多的思考,而这正是中国玩家所擅长的地方。
3. 能不能评价一下WOW?读者们都想知道你们是如何看待这个最强劲的竞争对手的。
We don’t really regard WoW as a competitor. WoW has done wonderful things for the MMORPG market as a whole, bringing many new players to the genre. Sure WoW has pulled players from other games, this has not been the case with EVE. EVE and WoW are different enough to exist on the same market without affecting each other too much. The past 2-3 months we have been getting a lot of players which tried WoW when it was released in US and Europe and are now looking for something different, deeper, and more challenging. So WoW is really an excellent training ground for future EVE players.
事实上,我们并不把《魔兽世界》作为竞争对手。《魔兽世界》对全世界网络游戏市场来说是一个里程碑,吸引了大量的新玩家到这个市场,当然它也从其他游戏赢得了很多玩家,不过对EVE online来说有点不一样。EVE 和 《魔兽世界》是两个截然不同的游戏,完全可以共存于一个市场而又不相互影响。在过去两三个月,我们有很多玩家在尝试了美国和欧洲的《魔兽世界》之后又加入了EVE online,我想他们更喜欢不同的、更有深度的作品。实际上,《魔兽世界》正在为未来的EVE培养新的玩家。
4. What's core competitivity of EVE onlin in China, where WoW had entered earlier?
It will be the first big Sci-Fi game to enter China. Given China’s admirable space program and great achievements with that we have found that the Chinese are becoming more and more interested in space. We want to have a tiny part in inspiring China to achieve even greater milestones with their space program. China to the moon in 2012!
EVE online 在中国,将是第一个已经在全世界范围内获得成功的大型科幻游戏。从中国在航空航天上取得的伟大成就来看,我们觉得中国人对太空的兴趣不是一般地强烈。我们希望能激励中国在太空事业上取得更多的成就,希望2012年中国登月成功 !
5. How about the EVE online's operation mode in English server?
EVE Online is operated in London by CCP, in partnership with the Icelandic Telecom company. In London we use a subscription model, which has been the tradition over here in the west. Most of our marketing activities involve promotions on various web sites, were we offer a 14 day trial, we also do covermounts on various gaming related magazines.
EVE 现在由CCP与冰岛电信合作在伦敦运营,依照目前的国际惯例,采取包月付费制。我们大多数推广活动在网络上进行,向玩家提供14天免费试玩CDkey,我们也会跟一些游戏类杂志合作赠送客户端CD。
6. Are you thinking about bringing EVE online to China like other game(i.e WoW)?
Yes, indeed we are. Even tough EVE is designed so that network topology is not an issue, and you can play EVE competitively from China on our London server cluster, we still plan for a special Chinese EVE World. We have even thought of creating a special unique Chinese world, completely different from the one we have in London. The wildest ideas about the differences between the London cluster and the China cluster, involve them starting out in a different part of the EVE galaxy, unconnected to the current regions of Amarr, Minmatar, Gallente, Caldari and Jove.
我们正在准备。虽然EVE的先进设计使得网络连接不是一个问题,玩家能毫无问题地从中国连到伦敦服务器上游戏,我们还是准备开放一个单独的中国EVE服务器。我们将创造一个独特的中国世界,这个世界将跟我们现有的伦敦服务器世界完全不同,二者相互独立。 |