UO兽人(ORC)的语言 (转载自西祠胡同) 作者:不祥 前言 兽人所说的话是十分难懂的一种语言,据笔者粗浅的研究发现 部分兽人语言跟英文其实是相通的只不过兽人本身说话就含糊 不清会把部分子音或母音给忽略掉,但是大多数的字眼却无从 考证。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 基本用法 进阶用法 兽人文法 by Yorick of Yew ■基本用法 数字部分: 从下列的表不难发现其实兽人数数目跟人类无异都是累加不过 兽人表达数目的方法更为简单基本数目为0~5,不难发现6之後 的文字都是由前面六个数目组合而成的 ,例如:Six就是5+1所 以叫Hash。 也因此从这里可发现兽人对於数目并不是用的很好,碰上大数目 的话可能因此就搞混了.........(笑) Zero Zuth Six Hash One Ash Seven Hdub Two Dub Eight Hgakh Three Gakh Nine Hfuth Four Futh Ten HH Five H Eleven HHash 另外,兽人也运用排列数字的方式来运算;方法是按照数字来 配对由下表可得知基本数字是由0~9,若10以上则是按照字面 来配对所以10=1和0念做Ash'zuth,11就是1和1念做Ash'ash依此 类推。 Zero Zuth Seven Udu One Ash Eight Tukh Two Dub Nine Krith Three Gakh Ten Ash'zuth Four Futh Eleven Ash'ash Five Krak Twelve Ash'dub Six Blug Twenty Dub'zuth 基本单字部分: 部分兽人语言中有些单字是可以理解的。若你(你)下次遇到Kanmi 不妨用兽人语跟她打声招呼吧.........:D (题外话看过电影王牌大贱谍2的人应该不陌生那个贱贱的霍华口 中常讲的mojo其实就是magic的意思,难怪老外把他设定成一身都 是毛,搞不好他也是兽人一族.........哈....) 日常用语类: 问候语 人类用语 兽人用语 Hi,Hai,Hello Ug Thank You Dabu Goodbye Gug'ye Bye Glug 疑问用字 人类用语 兽人用语 What Wat Where Whur When Whan Who Who Why W'ruum 其他 人类用语 兽人用语 人类用语 兽人用语 The/That Da Leave Leeb This Dis Reagents Erbs That Dat Animal Crit You Lat Monster Badie Good Gug Kill,Attack Clomp Bad Bahd GM(Gamemaster) Skygod Human Humie Orc Uruk Understand Gruk God Ulu Yes Yub City Goi No Nub Tower Lug Give Gib Let's go Gabbu Lag Mud Magic Mojo Hungry h'gralp Eqipment Thingys 物品类: 人类用语 兽人用语 人类用语 兽人用语 Gem Kushma Axe/Sword Lusk Scimitar Zult Mace Womp Dagger Igg Spear Kigg Kryss Kult Arrow Lig Bow Olig Gold Shinies Food Grub Wood Wud Water Wada Potion Mojo water Shield Oltha 前言 兽人语言确实是十分难懂在进阶部分将提到一些简单的文法 介绍。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 基本用法 进阶用法 兽人文法 by Yorick of Yew ■进阶用法 有些事情是要注意的,兽人们从来不会使用“ I ”这个字眼, 他们都是使用“ Me ”这个字眼。 例如“I am an orc”换成兽人的说法就是“me uruk”。 兽人的语文表达能力不好所以常会省略一些文法,但是他们又 有一套属於自己语言的文法(**注) ,通常以我们的角度来看就 是用破破的英文来做沟通就对了。 例如“I need an axe, where can I find some equipment?”换成兽 人说法就是 “Me need lusk, wher kan me git thingies?” 对於复数的东西兽人们是在字尾加上“ z ”而非“ s ”。 例如:Gem复数为“Gems”换成兽人说法为“Kushmaz”, Slave 复数为“ Slaves ”换成兽人说法则为“ Snagaz ”。 对於过去、现在及未来式的用法,兽人也有一套标准。他们会 在字眼中加入Uga、Ug、Ub 来区别过去、现在以及未来。 例如:“stealing(偷)”这个字,兽人语为“Tabu”来说,过去式为 “stole”兽人语为“Tabuuga”,现在式“steal”兽人语为 “Tabuug”,未来式“will steal”兽人语为“Tabuub”。 (**注) : 在不列颠大陆中确实可以找到有关兽人语言的书籍是由 Yorick of Yew所写的,日後笔者会将整个内容放上来。 前言 以下为不列颠大陆中所找到的有关兽人语言文法的书籍全文 这是由Yorick所写的。 ( 老实说看看就好当作增长见识,因为真的很难懂......lol) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 基本用法 进阶用法 兽人文法 by Yorick of Yew ■兽人文法 by Yorick of Yew This volume, and others in the series, are sponsored by donations from Lord Blac kthorn, ever a supporter of understanding the other sentient races of Britannia. The Orcish tongue may fall unpleasingly 'pon the ear, yet it has within it a com plex grammar of misunderstood by those who merely hear the few broken words of English our or cish brothers manage without education. These are the basic rules of orcish: Orcish has five tenses: present, past, future imperfect, present interjectional, and prehensile. Examples: gugroflu, gugrofloog, gugrobo, gugrolu!, gugrogug. All transitive verbs in the prehensile tense end it "ug." Examples: urgleighug, biggugdaghgug, curdakalmug. All present interjectional conjugations start with the letter G unless the(y) co ntain the third declensive accent of the letter U. Examples: ghothudunglug, but n azhbuugub. The past tense can only refer to events since the last meal, but the prehensile tense can refer to any event within reach. The present tense is conjugated like the future imperfect tense, when the interr ogative mode is used by pitching the sound a quarter-tone higher. Orcish hath no concept of person, as in first person, third person, I, we, etc. Orcish grammar relies upon the three cardinal rules of accretion, prefixing, and agglutination , in addition to pitch. In the former, phonemes combine into larger words which may contain full phrasal significance. In the second, prefixing specific phonetic sounds cha nges the subject of the sentence into object, interrogative, addressed individual, or dinner. Agglutination occurs whenever four of the same letter are present in a word, in which case, any two of them may be removed or slurred. Pitch changes the phoneme values of individual syllables, thus completely alterin g what a word may mean. The classic example if "Aktgluthugrot bigglogubuu dargilgaglug lublublub(") whic h can mean "You are such a pretty girl," "My mother ate your primroses," or "Jellyfish nose paints alms potato," depending on pitch. Orcish poetry often relies upon repeating the same phrase in multiple pitches, e ve(n) changing pitch midword. None of this great are is translatable. The orcish language uses the following vowels: ab, ad, ag, akt, at, augh, auh, a zh, e, i, o, oo, u , uu. The vowel sound a is not recognized as a vowel and does not exist in their alphabet. The orcish alphabet i(s) best learned using th(e) classic rhyme repeated at 23 diffe rent pitchs: Lugnog ghu blat suggaroglug. Gaghbuu dakdar ab highugbo, Gothnogbuim ad gilgubbu gbuilug Bilgeaugh thurggulg stuiggro A translation of the first pitch: Eat food, the first letter is ab, Kill people, the next lette(r) is ad, I forget the rest But augh is in there somewhere! What follows is a complete phonetic library of the orcish language: ab, ad, ag, akt, alm, at, augh, auh, azh, ba, ba, bag, bar, baz, bid, bilge, bo, bog, bog, brui, bu, buad, bug, bug, buil, buim, bum, buo, buor, buu, ca, car, clog, cro, cuk, cur, d a, dagh, dagh, dak, dar, deak, der, dil, dit, dor, dre, dri, dru, du, dud, duf, dug, dug, duh, dun, eag, eg, egg, eichel, ek, ep, ewk, faugh, fid, flu, fog, foo, foz, fruk, fu, fub, fud, fun, fu p, fur, gaa, gag, gagh, gan, gar, gh, gha, ghat, ghed, ghig, gho, ghu, gig, gil, gka, glu, glu, glug, gn a, gno, gnu, gol, gom, goth, grunt, grut, gu, gub, gub, gug, gugh, guk, gulg, gur, gurt, ha, hagh, hat, hig, hig, hok, hrak, hrol, hug, i, ig, igg, igh, ign, ihg, ikk, it, jak, jek, jja, ju, juk , ka, ka, ke, kgh, kh, ki, klap, klu, knod, knu, kod, krug, kt, kug, lat, log, log, lub, lug, lug, luh, ma, nag, nar, natz, neg, neh, nog, nug, nug, nuk, o, oag, ob, og, ogh, oh, olm, om, oo, oog, oth, pa, pig , qo, qua, quil, rekk, rim, ro, rod, ru, rug, rukk, rur, sag, sah, sg, snarf, stu, thu, thu, thu, thug, tk, tug, u, ud, ug , ugh, ukk, ulg, urd, urg, urgle, ut, zug. | LoverSorry 2002-06-21 15:30:19 0樓 |