请所有的兄弟,为自己负责,也为自己的兄弟负责,请不要再放任何非BW成员进工会了,这是很蠢的做法。如果真的是朋友的话,应该知道别人的guild house是不可以任意进出的。就象FU工会会长找我拿点东西,也是在门口等着,从不会提出要进入BW的guild house的要求的。 | Voria 2002-08-03 10:31:12 0樓 |
若果这BW在你心中还有点意义的话,就请不要再放非工会成员进来了。 | Voria 2002-08-03 10:33:52 1樓 |
恩一定做到 | andy 2002-08-03 10:35:17 2樓 |
诸位看到下面这些话是不是会觉得很爽: GoRiaN: jesus christ B&W suck GoRiaN: i walked around their guildhouse or something for like 10 minutes Cold: hehe yes u good like god XeNoN: U leave Gorian GoRiaN: then zerg killed me but then someone in their resed me Cold: ta fei zou le GoRiaN: yer im out now Cold: lol XeNoN: Gorian We will see who sucks GoRiaN: zerg must be the only semi intelligent one in there GoRiaN: at least he knew where to reveal and killed me XeNoN: me too GoRiaN: xenon u in B&W? XeNoN: Y u leave guild? GoRiaN: its getting crappy dude XeNoN: Dude Ur stats arent that flatting GoRiaN: i know GoRiaN: does anybody know what all the keys on the ground of that B&W house were for? GoRiaN: i stole them all but i dont know what they open sorem of Britain: there chas%!%y belts GoRiaN: o ok GoRiaN: that would explain it sorem of Britain: lol 嘿 | Voria 2002-08-03 10:44:29 3樓 |
真爽。 | Iceman 2002-08-03 10:50:09 4樓 |
哭了 | Ask 2002-08-03 10:57:00 5樓 |
看不懂 | roller 2002-08-03 11:21:00 6樓 |
我英文不行 | 依塔 2002-08-03 12:06:29 7樓 |
MMD.就是说 他进来了我们工会。被ZERG杀掉了。。但是我们中的人还给他复活。这他妈什么世界。。 | zerg 2002-08-03 14:26:05 8樓 |
翻译翻译 | cry 2002-08-03 16:32:49 9樓 |
我首先保证不在进入BW的工会 | 索尔 2002-08-04 04:02:30 10樓 |
这附近越来越危险,外来工会的也在附近安家,我们这些住一成房屋的都不敢在家里,法师来了就危险 | paladin 2002-08-04 12:44:53 11樓 |