标 题:UO书籍翻译:“美德”—不列颠王着— 时 间:Fri May 10 19:58:49 2002 Virtue -by Lord British- 背景音乐:Rule Britannia(U4) Within this world live people with 生活在这世界的人们有许多不同的理念 many different ideals, and this is 这是个好现象。然而,在我们不列颠领 good. Yet what is it within the 地的人们,是用怎样的理念去从恶中择 people of our land that sorts out 善?并且从被鄙视的事物中萃取出值得 the good from the evil, the 珍惜的东西? cherished from the disdained ? Virtue, I say it is, and virthe is 正是美德。对一个想要在紧密结合的社 logical outcome of a people who 会中过共同生活者来说,我认为美德是 wish to live together in a bonded 合乎逻辑的结论。 society. For without Virtues, as a code of 如果没有这些美德作为人们维持彼此关 conduct which people maintain in 系的行为准则,那么社会的组织将会衰 their relations with each other, 微。 the fabric of that society will become weakened. For a society to grow and prosper 如果一个社会想要整体繁荣成长,每个 for all, each must grant the 成员必须认同基本的共通思想。我把这 others a common base of 个基本思想叫做八大美德。个人也许可 consideration. I call this base 以背叛准则而获得利益,但是社会整体 the Virtues. For though one person 将因此而受害。 might gain personal advantage by breaching such a code, the society as a whole would suffer. There are three Principle Virtues 三达德可以引导人们悟道。它们是:真 that should guide people to 理、爱与勇气。从数不清的理由中人可 enlightenment.These are : Truth, 能曾经发现一种交战;像是贪婪或布施 Love and Courage. From all the ,恶意或是同情,然后三达德才彰显出 infinite reasons one may have to 来。 found an action,such as greed or charity, envy or pity, the three Principle Virtues stand out. In fact all other virtues and 事实上其他的美德可以从组合三达德来 vices can be show to be built from 表示,而其他的罪恶也可以由违反三达 these principles and their opposite 德的堕落:错误、憎恨与胆小组合而成 corruption's of Falsehood, Hatred 。 and Cowardice. These three Principles can be 三达德可以用八种方式组合,我把它们 combined in eight ways, which I 称为八大美德。我们应把社会建立在遵 will call the eight virtues. The 循八大美德上。 eight virtues which we should build our society upon follow. Truth alone becomes Honesty, for 单独真理可以形成诚实,如果人们之间 without honesty between our people, 没有诚实存在,我们如何与人建立必要 how can we built the trust which is 的信赖去达成我们最大的成就? needed to maximize our successes. Love alone becomes compassion, for 单独爱可以形成怜悯,在某些时候我们 at some time or another all of us 会需要别人的怜悯,而且曾经对别人表 will need the compassion of others 达过怜悯的人最有可能得到别人的怜悯 ,and most likely compassion will 。 be shown to those who have shown it. Courage alone becomes Valor, 单独勇气可以形成勇敢,若无勇敢,人 without valor our people will never 们将不会深入探索未知以及危险,并且 reach into the unknown or to the 将永远不可能实现梦想。 risky and will never reach achieve. Truth tempered by Love give us 真理与爱调和带给我们正义。唯有以爱 Justice, for only in a loving 探寻真理才能让人实现完整的正义,不 search for the truth can one 然只是制造出冷酷无情的群众罢了。 dispense fair Justice, rather than create a cold and callous people. Love and Courage give us Sacrifice 爱与勇气带给我们牺牲,彼此相爱的人 ,for a people who love each other 会愿意做出个人的牺牲去帮需要帮助的 will be willing to make personal 他人,而有一天也有可能需要这样的回 sacrifices to help other in need, 报。 which one day, may be needed in return. Courage and Truth give us Honor. 勇气与真理带给我们荣誉。伟大的骑士 great knights know this well, that 们深明此道,所以骑士的荣誉可以从坚 chivalric honor can be found by 守这个行为准则中发现。 adhering to this code of conduct. Combining Truth, Love and Courage 联合真理、爱与勇气,暗示灵性的美德 suggest the virtue of Spirituality ,这美德会让人内省沉思并且对每个人 the virtue that causes one to be 在世上独一无二的存在处境感到惊奇, introspective, to wander about ones 不论此人往后的行为将被历史记录成是 place in this world, and whether 对世界的一个礼物或一个诅咒。 one's deeds will be recorded as a gift to the world or a plague. The final Virtue is more 最后一个美德比较复杂。真理、爱与勇 complicated. For the eight 气和延伸出的八大美德全部欠缺的状态 combination is that devoid of Truth 只有在极度的自傲中才存在,当然自傲 , Love or Courage which can only 绝对不是美德。也许这个命运的捉弄是 exist in a state of great Pride, 一种试炼,去测试一个人是否能了解真 which of course is not a virtue at 正的谦逊美德。 all. Perhaps this trick of fate is a test to see if one can realize that the true virtue is that of Humility. I feel that the people of Magincia 我觉得美吉西亚的人们无视这项谦逊美 fail to see this to such a degree 德的程度严重到…如果某些厄运降临在 that I would not be surprised if 他们的未来,我都不会感到奇怪。 some ill fate awaited their future. Thus from the infinite 如此,从无限的可能性中诞生真理、爱 possibilites which spawned the 与勇气的三达德,连带产生诚实、怜悯 Three Principles of Truth, Love 、勇敢、正义、牺牲、荣誉、灵性以及 and Courage, come the Eight Virtues 谦逊。 of Honesty, Compassion, Valor, Justice, Sacrifice, Honor, Spirituality, and Humility. ====================================================================== 我在崔林希克 Trinsic月门附近和黑刺王的手下缠斗很多次。某次意外发现…原 来JUKA族人也会带闲书在身上…然后带回哈文 Havan银行朗诵,看谁能提供一点 相关讯息。最后有某位贤者丢给我一堆书,一时兴起便想把这些书通通翻译成中 文,贤者说啦:要翻的话先翻这本“Virtue”。真巧…我脑中顿时联想到某个博 学之士为他两个可爱女儿翻译并解说八大美德的事迹。我并不像那位可敬的先生 有足够的素养可以完全表达Lord British的理念,所以如果有需要更正或改善的 地方也请多多指教。而那位先生的女儿Mino所表现出来的气质证明八大美德并没 有白教^_^,和其父一样可敬。 也非常希望被八大美德深深影响的网友如果不嫌弃我翻译的拙作,能出来发表一 点意见…同时灌溉板面。至于原JUKA族人掉的那本书,我的感想是…如果黑刺王 会使用中文,可煽动的人才会更多。不过…黑刺王手下害我的导游业务萎缩,好 多地方变成战区,进入需要冒生命危险,平和的新世界变成这样真是讨厌。 (本文欢迎转载不用翻译者我同意,有误请来信指教) 文章出处:巴哈姆特 文章作者:h2 | scottie_lee 2002-07-05 07:03:40 0樓 |